Thank you to Denise Wimer for her donation!
Tomorrow is the yearly HOA garage sale. I have decided to sell a bunch of stuff and put all the money toward Rwanda. I hadn't realized (I was in denial) how much stuff I had. Way too much, and I am not even a collector or a hoarder.
I am hoping to make at least $100. Doesn't seem like much but every little bit helps.
AND...I still haven't finished my Hello Rwanda Children's Campaign letter. I WILL get that done today!!!!
I do have an interview on Monday for a temp agency. I decided it is silly of me not to try to work. And it will give me an opportunity to meet new people. It'll be good! And meeting new people = more people to educate about Rwanda.
AND I have been in touch with 3 of the 5 August volunteers. Getting in touch with the other volunteers prior to the trip was really important to me. In certain situation I tend to build up anxiety and it emotes itself as shyness. But since I have been in touch with the volunteers prior to the trip I feel just fine and even more excited about the whole thing. Plus it is such a relief to know I have someone to travel with on the weekends, if needed.
We are each in different programs but all going to Rwanda. There is a lady from near Toronto (childrens program), one from DC (gender based violence program), one from UK (HIV/Aids program) and I haven't found out where the 3rd lady is from yet.
I am really relieved that I have been in contact with the ladies and will continue to learn more about them throughout this entire adventure.
Great News - As I am typing this I got a text from Natasha that said she has sold 5 fundraiser tickets today! AAAHHHHHH, now I feel like the fundraiser is officially on its way.
7 years ago
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