You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich man. ~Seth Parker
For those of you that aren't in the AZ area and want to donate I have added a ChipIn link to the right of the blog...feel free to email me if you have any questions on how it works.
It is a secure site that specializes in collecting payments for fundraising events.
Also, please feel free to forward this blog site to anyone you feel may be interested in donating and/or following along on this journey. I look forward to your comments and suggestions.!!!!
(btw, my official more appropriate letter for donations will be going out soon. i am not a total slacker it's just that some of you that have this website already know the dealio and I guess I am directing my rambling shananigans at you :)
Natasha came up with another brilliant idea for an additional fundraiser. She wants to do a ladies showcase-and all female artist show. Musicians, artists, dancers, etc...I think that is a wonderful idea...Wednesday lunch is going to be busy. I don't think a hour is going to be long enough.
I am a little tired today. I am going to make this a short blog but I will not sign off before our 1st lesson in Kinyarwanda.
First a little history...French, Kinyarwanda, English and Swahili are the most wide spread languages in Rwanda. Recently, the Rwandan government banned French as the main language in schools. This has created a need for English speaking teachers and aides in classrooms. Hence, GVN's literary program. Although, I do not write grammatically correct nor do I always speak grammatically correct...I AM able to lend my hand to those wanting to learn English and I am very excited to learn Kinyarwanda and use it everyday while I am there...
Hello - Muraho (MooRahHoh)
Goodbye - Mwirirwe (MeeReeGway)
Yes - Yego (YayGo)
No - Oya (Oya)
7 years ago
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